Aug 24 - 30 - 2014
This week was in my opinion the peak of the Silver/Coho run for 2014. If next week is better than this one I will be surprised. We saw limits of Silvers every day, and they are big nice fish, the biggest for the week was 17.6 lbs, and there were many 15 lb fish. One group got into a good school on Friday over by the key hole, but the rest of the Silvers were caught in front of three hill. We had several halibut over 100 lbs, biggest for the week was 168 lbs. Friday was very windy and colder, but the other days were pretty good for the most part. If I had to choose a week to fish in Alaska, this would be my choice. Big silvers are tough to beat! Looking forward to next week! Please go to and fill out a review of your experience.