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This past week we went to the Big Rock sportsmans show in Nashville to order supplies for the upcoming 2020 season. Kelly and Mary were nice enough to let Breanna and I tag along. It was a lot of fun to see the newest and greatest products in the fishing community, and even more fun to buy some of those products to put to work at the lodge. There are a few new color patterns of flashers and hoochies coming onto the market that have shown great potential. We ordered herring colored flashers and different sized hoochies for guests to try out. Some of the new gadgets to try this summer include rod cushions, net floats, and salmon leader to tie up single hook Salmon rigs. Along with the new Gadgets we also got plenty of lures, line, downrigger cable and other equipment to keep the boats fish ready! In addition we also ordered equipment to stock the new Boats that will be joining the fleet this season. Rods, reels, lunch coolers, tackle, electric downriggers, and if I remember correctly, there was a Lowrance order with some new electronics as well.

Tennessee wasn’t all work as the girls made sure we got some sight-seeing to fit into the schedule as well. We got to visit the Grand Ol Opry and get our picture taken outside. It took us three tries, but we finally made it over to the house of President Andrew Jackson. We were lucky enough to go on the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans which meant free tickets and a guided tour of the property. It was sure fun to learn more about our nations history while roaming around a historical landmark. My favorite moments from the trip were listening to country music everywhere we went and seeing Whitetail Deer.

Overall, the trip was a success as we discussed this

upcoming season and what we can continue to do to make it a great experience for everyone coming in the year 2020. Breanna and I are extremely excited to be a part of the Waters Edge Family and for our new adventure in managing Mossy Ridge.


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