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Happy Halloween

Leaves are blowing everywhere, fall is almost over. Fun time of year to see all of the costumes. I was able to go back to Elfin Cove this fall, it was amazing to see the place so peaceful and quiet. There were a few trollers out looking for winter kings. But other than that it was pretty quiet. The day after we left it rained 7" in 24 hours. When that much rain comes down at once it always make us nervous about land/mudslides.

One thing we are seeing with airfares for next year is that the price is higher than last year, even the October PFD sale was a bit higher than I thought it would be. This makes it hard to guess if they will come down or not. Normally I would say wait and see if rates will go down, but I think for this year we might be wise in getting tickets now before they get more expensive.

We are going to be more firm on our booking policy in the future. We will now require an $800 deposit to hold a reservation. The problem I am running into on a daily basis, is telling a potential new guest no. I really hate saying no to someone who wants to fish with us in Alaska. 2019 is well on its way to getting full. I have started a 2020 spreadsheet, but have not opened it up to new guests yet, I want to make sure I get everyone in the week they want before I open it up. I plan on opening 2020 January 1st 2018. 2018 & 2019 will remain $3,200 per person. I am hoping that 2020 will also stay at $3,200, but not ready to make that official yet.

Thank you again to everyone that fished with us in 2017, it was a great summer, and we are looking forward already to 2018!


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