July 29th
Woke up to another beautiful day here in Elfin Cove. I know we always want and hope for sunny days, but an over cast day with a shower now and again with calm wind is now my perfect day! The last few days we have been dealing with some fog in the mornings.
The big story again with this update is very slow on Silver/Coho Salmon. Pinks are much better than they were a week ago, but the Silvers are still running very slow.
Halibut I would say the past few days have been slow also. As we look at the whole summer halibut has been very normal. We are on pace for what we have caught in the past. Rich one of the local guys here is seeing a bite come on once a day for halibut. He says he gets all his halibut in about a one hour span. He stays in the same spot and does not move. Pink salmon continue to be the bait of choice for the halibut.