Reel Maintenence
The other day I had some want to give me some old Okuma reels. I cringed at the thought of having Okuma reels again. Shimano Tekota 700 reels for halibut are what we have used for over 8 years now. Pretty amazing how they hold up considering the abuse we put them through. When we get home from Alaska we take them apart and clean each part and inspect it for problems. The most common part is the bearings on the shaft of the reel handle. The salt water seems to come down the shaft somehow and get to the bearing. At over $200 per reel, I would much prefer to replace a $20 bearing then the whole reel. The drag disks are another big issue that needs looked at every year. They get very dirty just like the brake dust on your car. By cleaning them and regreasing them they will last much longer.
I personally uses a Shimano Tyrnos 12 two speed. I tried this one with the guests but the reels came back each day with the line all bunched up on one side. With this reel you have to use your thumb to make sure the line goes back on the reel correctly.
If anyone is bored and needs something to do, I can use some help cleaning reels?