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Aug 29 Fishing Update

Aug 29 Fishing Update

We needed a good weather week, and this week was just what we needed. Was again a very typical Alaskan week we had some rain at times, mixed with some spots of sunshine. Wednesday night we got woke up to the pounding rain, it was coming down in buckets. We had a 30 kt wind forecasted for Friday morning, but it did not seem to happen.

We are still waiting for the peak of the Silver/Coho Salmon Run. It is looking like they are all going to come through in September. If you fish in front of Three Hill and do not leave and stick with it, you will get your limit, is what it seems like. If you leave for Halibut and happen to miss the bite you really miss it for the day. Best time is on an incoming tide. Nikolas and I went out and spent an hour and a half out there in front of Gaff Rock and caught two, and missed two more. We were trolling at 55 feet down with silver 11” flasher with white and pink hoochies. Ron and Rob trolled all week with deep sixes and got their limit nearly every day.

Halibut was actually pretty good this week. We had lots of 80 - 90 lb halibut. Soapstone, George Island, and Dr. Joels secret spot, and no I do not know where Dr. Joels secret spot is, sill trying to find out, very closely guarded secret.

One more week after this one. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can take the boats in safely to Juneau and get them winterized and stored for the winter. I have Jim flying in from Marine Products in SLC to help us. Mike his Dad runs the backhoe, Jim changes the oil and fogs the motors, and my Dad Kern and I trailer the boats in Auke Bay and bring them to the boat yard. We had good luck with the boats this year, no major problems.


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