Aug 31 - Sept 6 - 2014
Silvers, Silvers and more Silvers. Friday we had a major fall storm come thru. If the weather would have been better I think this week would have caught just has many silvers as last week. We also had some good halibut caught this week over by the Shaw Islands. But for the most part halibut fishing is much slower than it was a few weeks ago.
The Silvers are starting to turn a bit maroon, all of the males now have a big hooked nose. What amazes me though is the size. I would guess our average weight is close to 12. The biggest one this week was 17.6. All of the Silvers were caught out in front of Three Hill.
This is our last full week for the year. Next week we have a small group and then we start the shut down and winterize process.