ISE Show a HUGE Success!
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to talk Alaska with us at the ISE Show. It was very fun to have our guests take over and tell the new interested ones about Elfin Cove and about how much better the fishing is out where we are. I had one person ask why we were better than another lodge and I turned to one of our guests and said woud you like to answer that question? He simply said, boats, accomodations, Food, Kelly & Mary, and the fishing is way better! One guest said I just wish I would have made the decision to change over many years ago instead of waiting so long. Mary and I had a great time visiting with everyone at the show, thank you thank you for helping us live our dream! See you all in Alaska this summer!

We still have some open weeks please go to -!sign-me-up/mkmzw - pick a week and call me! 801.558.2351