July 28th Fishing Update
What a great Halibut week! Cape Spencer, Larsen Hump, Grandpas Secret Spot, Soapstone all were hot for halibut this past week. Pink salmon was the preferred bait! The guys from Idaho did great three days in a row with a 100lb + halibut each day. 130 lbs was the biggest, Brad caught that one. I got out on Monday and thought I caught a 328lb halibut but when it finally got to the boat after an hour of work we realized that we had snagged the 74lb halibut in the white side right in the middle. We were disappointed sure seemed like a giant.
Weather was really good this week. We have again hit a real dry spot. No rain this week. We did get a bit of afternoon breeze but nothing to severe.
Tides were big this week. Big tides are interesting. It makes halibut fishing harder but I have caught all of my good sized halibut in strong current.
Pray for rain! Silvers/Coho were again very slow this week. The commercial trollers I have talked to are going way out in the open ocean to get Coho. So I am hopeful they will show up closer to the beach soon! For those that are still waiting to arrive. Please go to our website and click on the links on the new guest page. The more knowledge you can come to the lodge with will help your chances of success!! See you all soon! Kelly