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June 17 Update

June 17th Update

Our Shoreline guests left this morning. Above average windy conditions for this group. There were several days we could not get down the coast due to rough sea conditions. And then the rain!! Heavy rain for about 2 days. Hard to stay dry when it rains like that. As a result of the weather our catch was down this week. The biggest halibut for the week was 122 lbs, it was caught in the Open Ocean. Waiting for the halibut to turn on in the inside waters. Pinks, Silvers, Chums, and King Salmon were all caught this week. Lots of black rock fish this week also saw quite a few ling cod come across the fillet table. Yesterday there was a big pod of Orca, everyone reported seeing them. The forecast for the next few days is good, calm winds with sunny blue skies.

Trivia question for the week, when you are trolling and you wanna make sure you do not run into the ground with your down rigger weights, would it be better to focus on the sounder/fishfinder or the GPS/Chart?



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